Plants, animals, and people living in Coastal North Carolina are influenced by large, shallow bodies of water, called "Sounds." The Sound's daily influence can be a challenge or a gift. The word "sound" also means "in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased." Sound Harvest and Garden will try to reflect both those meanings, as I aim for sound vegetables, herbs, chickens, eggs, and ornamentals, all from my home by Core Sound.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Today, in color
I was asked today why people garden, why they keep chickens. I tried to explain what these things do for the soul, but it is something that isn't easy to explain. But when I looked at the colors that I came home to in just the first 30 minutes at the end of my work day today, I knew they would tell the story of why we need to grow vegetables and flowers, to raise chickens and bees. All this, just waiting for me in the backyard: The zucchini plots it's escape from the raised bed, the garden and coop yield eggs, squash and herbs for dinner and a bouquet for the table, the one huge fig that made it from the early crop sports a rosy hue, and the big girls aren't so sure about the new kids in the coop block.