Plants, animals, and people living in Coastal North Carolina are influenced by large, shallow bodies of water, called "Sounds." The Sound's daily influence can be a challenge or a gift. The word "sound" also means "in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased." Sound Harvest and Garden will try to reflect both those meanings, as I aim for sound vegetables, herbs, chickens, eggs, and ornamentals, all from my home by Core Sound.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Big, fat figs
I always have an early crop of really big figs, followed by a later crop of slightly smaller figs. My fig is called "Davis Island," a very local plant. Who knows what the original plant may have been? I am now getting the first, beautiful fruit for this year. These are very mild figs, made slightly more so by the fact that I pick them early, before the birds get them. They are sweet and wonderful, and so beautiful I had to include a photo here. This is a great location for this fruit! Recommended varieties are Celeste and Brown Turkey, or a cutting from any successful fig in your neighborhood.