Plants, animals, and people living in Coastal North Carolina are influenced by large, shallow bodies of water, called "Sounds." The Sound's daily influence can be a challenge or a gift. The word "sound" also means "in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased." Sound Harvest and Garden will try to reflect both those meanings, as I aim for sound vegetables, herbs, chickens, eggs, and ornamentals, all from my home by Core Sound.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Garlic harvest
The tops of the garlic had yellowed, and when pushed over, stayed that way. Time to harvest garlic! I filled a large basket, I think somewhere between 35 and 40 heads; I did not count. You can see the size by looking at the quarter I placed on one head. Getting them properly cured (dried) will be the trick! For tonight, in an airy basket on the porch.