Plants, animals, and people living in Coastal North Carolina are influenced by large, shallow bodies of water, called "Sounds." The Sound's daily influence can be a challenge or a gift. The word "sound" also means "in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased." Sound Harvest and Garden will try to reflect both those meanings, as I aim for sound vegetables, herbs, chickens, eggs, and ornamentals, all from my home by Core Sound.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Winter zest
This is my favorite winter drink, and it comes from my garden! Fresh orangequat tea with honey. The juice tastes like lemon, the rind gives a little tiny bite, and the honey mellows it perfectly. I eat the sweet/bitter rind when the drink is gone. The orangequat bush is loaded with fruit. I need to harvest them before they go beyond mature, freeze the juice and either dry or make marmalade from the rinds.